Michael Schur, renowned for comedies like Parks and Recreation, The Good Place, and Brooklyn Nine-Nine, presents his new Netflix series, A Man on the Inside, debuting November 21st. The show unites Ted Danson (The Good Place) and Stephanie Beatriz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), alongside Mary Elizabeth Ellis (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) and Lilah Richcreek Estrada (Chicago Med), in a San Francisco retirement home setting. Danson’s character, a widower named Charles, tackles a mystery solvable only from within the Pacific View Retirement Residence, while Beatriz plays Didi, the facility’s manager. The series draws inspiration from the 2020 Oscar-nominated documentary The Mole Agent, set in a Chilean retirement home.

Danson and Beatriz shared their recollections of significant firsts with TIME—their initial meeting, their first on-screen mystery-solving experiences, and their individual breakthroughs in the entertainment industry.