Xinhua Index  The Path to HighQuality Development of Gutians Tremella Industry Through the Lens

Beijing, China, December 8, 2024 – The Xinhua-China (Gutian) Tremella Price Index Annual Analysis Report (2024), a collaboration between the Xinhua Index Academy, the Gutian County People’s Government, and the China Edible Fungi Association, debuted at the First Tremella Industry Development Conference on December 5. This index tracks key Gutian Tremella products: dried (yellow, white, whole-flower spherical, and whole-flower small) and fresh Tremella, primarily standard grades.

Gutian’s Tremella Industry: Steady Growth and High Quality Drive Economic Development

Index data reveals consistent growth in Gutian Tremella output and stable pricing, solidifying the industry’s role in the county’s economy. The index shows four distinct phases: Phase One (June-September 2023) saw rising summer demand and prices. Phase Two (October-December 2023) experienced increased nationwide production, leading to lower prices. Phase Three (January-February 2024) witnessed holiday demand boosting the index. Phase Four (March-October 2024) showed a gradual price decline to around 1,000 points due to increased supply and reduced costs. Anticipated holiday demand suggests upcoming price increases.

Price trends varied across Tremella types, with premium varieties commanding higher prices. Growing consumer health consciousness fuels demand for high-quality Tremella, driving price increases. White and small Tremella, prized for their taste and nutritional value, are particularly popular. By November, the white Tremella price index reached 1,323.28 points (a 32.32% increase), and the small Tremella index hit 1,157.02 points (a 15.70% increase). This demonstrates market preference for premium Tremella and the industry’s shift towards higher-end products.

Premium Tremella Prices Rise, Reflecting Market Trends

The index highlights a correlation between Gutian Tremella quality and price. Increased consumer health awareness drives demand for premium Tremella, resulting in sustained price growth. White and small Tremella, known for superior taste and nutritional value, are particularly popular. By November, white Tremella’s price index was 1,323.28 points (up 32.32%), and small Tremella’s reached 1,157.02 points (up 15.70%). This shows strong market recognition of premium Tremella and the industry’s move towards higher-end products.

Online Interest in Tremella Concentrated, with Growth Potential for Gutian Brand

Online search data reveals that Tremella’s health benefits resonate with younger consumers, particularly the 30-39 age group, followed by the 20-29 age group. Regions showing the highest online interest include Guangdong, Jiangsu, and Shandong, suggesting active markets in these areas.

Future plans include launching the index on national platforms like the National Development and Reform Commission’s Price Monitoring Center and Xinhua Finance, with continuous updates. The Xinhua Index Academy will also develop a comprehensive industry monitoring and early warning system encompassing industry fundamentals, development quality, market vitality, and brand influence. The index aims to leverage data value across the entire Tremella industry chain.

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China Economic Information Service

Source :China Economic Information Service