The real reason Sanctuary Housing Group has an entire Facebook Group dedicated to its failure to repair and several MP’s up in arms?They have 250 empty properties in Cambridgeshire alone.They are ruining lives and businesses. Are they above the law?
Brighton, England Jun 5, 2024 – Have Sanctuary Housing Group
-Destroyed the business of a minority businesswoman with a series of floods, spanning almost three years
-Had their insurance completely avoided due to negligence and misrepresentation
-Deliberately pretended that they have full insurance coverage for their premises when they do not.
-Enlisted a top 500 law firm, Bevan Brittan, to block complainants from gaining compensation. This firm is on a £30,000,000 retainer, with a Housing Association classified as a public body by the UK Supreme Court. Misappropriation of funds? Why would a Housing association need a top 500 law firm on retainer when it already has its legal department? Has Bevan Brittan lied and presented false evidence?
-Retained a CEO, Craig Moule on an annual package close to £500,000 per year. That’s more than the Prime Minister.
-Created a loophole where they have no regulator. They are simultaneously a public body, exempt charity, and a business which declared profits of over £900,000,000, for the year to date.
-Been proven to be racist in charging a black businesswoman double the rent of her white neighbour, for an identical premises.
-Not changed their ways despite being summoned to meetings by several MPs including Michael Gove, Lucy Frazer and Mark Francois who hosted a special parliamentary debate on them in 2019, such was his frustration that no one can touch them, regards accountability
-Failed to maintain and insure properties in line with the law and their leases. It is a form of insurance fraud that no one is noticing and thousands of the most vulnerable people across the UK are affected.
-Been subject to a recent Housing Ombudsman Report listing many serious failings.
Is the heart of the problem that they are keeping their group policy premiums low, by rarely claiming on insurance? Are they also aware that many claims would be avoided due to the failure to maintain them in the first place? Are they simply above the law and need to be exposed to the light?

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Dough Lover LTD
Source :Sanctuary Housing Group